Rutgers University is home to 55,000 students and serves New Jersey with more than 200 bachelor and master degree programs across 175 academic departments.
But Rutgers University’s Newark Learning Center had a problem: Students found their current site confusing, and the helpful resources available to them were going to waste. In addition, the old design never spoke in a meaningful way about the two hundred years of history or passion behind their alma mater. Designing World was asked to redo its website design and develop their new learning center website.
The Newark Learning Center website design went from plain and confusing to bright and effective in eight weeks. Stark white pages have been replaced by real maps and etchings of the local area. The organization of content reflects an equally streamlined approach. By removing the disjointed columns and buttons, and replacing them with a bold navigation and structure, the usability issues disappeared. The classic, elegant look and feel of the new site focuses on the center’s two hundred years of history and commitment to its students and alma mater.